传真: 手机:13502876865(周生) 13826539654(Peter) 13312928290(大潘) 13802553974(张生)
Charm is the spirit of all things in the world; spring is the origin of power and vigor of the world. Shenzhen Yunzhichun (Charm & Spring) Color Packing (Printing) Co., Ltd. takes full advantage of the competence and opportunities of the Special Economic Zone together with the support of the spring in Shenzhen. 
Under the blue sky of South China, a group of challenging and  ambitious young people have thriven  
on.They have received the support and reputation from a large number of customers in many countries and regions like Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United States, and China due to their pioneering thoughts and conscientious spirits. Quality and service have turned out to be their two "Signboard Dishes" or attractions to customers, while advanced equipment provides strong backup for fine quality. Whether you are a new or longtime customer, they will prepare you with a pleasant and joyous visit and various delicious "Dishes" here, leading to their attachment and affection to the Corporation.
The Corporation mainly handles the packing of your products (including different kinds of advertising materials and articles). No matter what kind of packing you are fond of for your products, we may be the preferable and even the best beautician for you. The Corporation provides you with a series of services with features of "guiding production with design, examining design through production, activating creativity through market". For this, you are certain to find out what is indeed preferential and fast.
The major services provided by the Corporation include:
  • Golden & silvery cards, wine boxes, cosmetics boxes, boxes for drugs and medicines, boxes for Mid-autumn moon-cakes, boxes for gifts, color boxes of a variety of packing styles, paper boxes, plastic cards,notebooks,
  • exquisite calligraphy and painting, brochures for the sale of buildings, collection books, stamp books, company profiles, periodicals, magazines, product catalogs, instructions,
  • posters, OOD wall pictures, advertising pictures, advertising handbags, clothes picture albums, clothes handbags, invitation cards;
  • a wide range of delicate desk calendars, wall calendars, year books, greeting cards, year cards; advertising seven-colored paper bricks, squeezers.
、一丝不拘的精神赢得了香港、台湾、日本、美国、中国等地众多客户的支持与信赖,质量与服务已成为他们的"招牌菜" ,先进的设备更是质量的保证,无论光临的是新或老客户,他们都将让您高兴而来,美味
  本公司是以包装您的产品为主,无论您想在您的产品上作什么样的包装,他们也许是您最好的美容师,公司"以设计指导生产,以生产验证设计,以市场激发创作" 的一站式服务,让您感受到实惠与速度的
  • 金银卡酒盒、化妆品盒、药物药品盒、中秋月饼盒、礼品盒、各种包装彩盒、坑纸盒、吸塑卡、笔记本
  • 精美书画、售楼书、收藏册、邮册、企业简介、期刊、杂志、产品目录、说明书
  • 海报、pop贴画、广告宣传画、广告手提袋、服装画册、服装吊牌、服装手提袋、邀请卡
  • 各种精美台历、挂历、年历、贺卡、年卡,广告七彩纸砖、扑克牌